
Porcelain Vs Ceramic – Know the Correct Difference

Wondering if all tiles are created equal? Porcelain and Ceramic tiles – Are they really different or just a war of words? Today porcelain and ceramic are used interchangeably as if they are the same thing. This, however, is not true. Though porcelain and ceramic belong to the same family, they are different products. At […]

4 Spectacular Reasons to Choose Natural Stones for Pool Coping

A pool is a sensational addition to your backyard. Whether you are looking to relax and refresh yourself or you just want to soak in the warm sun and enjoy the cold water at the same time, a pool is your liberation from all the stress. But you should remember that the edge of your [...]

How to Install and Maintain Natural Turf

At Aushen Stone & Tile, we know and understand turf. Our experts are committed to assisting you to achieve your dream backyard. We understand that growing or installing and maintaining a healthy lawn naturally and organically is difficult. Our experts, therefore, share the steps that you need to follow to install and maintain a beautiful […]

Need a Bluestone hearth for fireplace doors? Top 3 Bluestone Fireplace Designs to Sparkle Your Space

The flickering flames of fire provide comfort and add up a homely atmosphere to the surroundings. A fireplace is something that enhances the feeling and aesthetics of the surrounding space. The natural textures, coupled with the various tones of natural stone, provide warmth for our souls. For a stone fireplace in Melbourne, bluestone is a [...]

Natural Stones Decor Ideas for an Alluring Garden

A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and beauty, it teaches industry and thrift. It is the epitome of beauty. Having your own beautiful garden is having your own stress free and therapy zone. Here are five ideas from Aushen Stone that can assist you in making your heaven enchanting with natural stones. [...]
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